Herring: A Love Story

Herring: A Love Story
A long childhood friendship of authors, Daniel Rozensztroch and Cathie Fidler.
By Daniel Rozensztroch and Cathie Fidler
A long childhood friendship of authors, Daniel Rozensztroch and Cathie Fidler was the beginning of Herring: A Love Story, which traces the history and iconography of the cherished herring. Both from traditional Jewish families, Daniel, an avid collector of the herring containers that were used to marinate and serve herring, and Cathie, a writer and researcher who has put together a unique documentation of herring iconography— vintage stamps, posters, postcards, and engravings. Also included are advertisements, paintings by famous artists, and easy-to-make traditional recipes. Discover the history and influence of herring as told through the eyes of two passionate collectors.
“Fascinating.” —The New York Times
192 Pages / 8” X 10.375”
ISBN: 978-1-938461-21-7