Alex Rosenberg: 100

Alex Rosenberg: 100
A collection of 100 vignettes that together, tell the story of a remarkable life.
By Alex Rosenberg
Pointed Leaf Press is thrilled to present Alex Rosenberg: 100, a collection of 100 vignettes that together, tell the story of a remarkable life. In honor of his 100th birthday on May 25, 2019, Alex Rosenberg reflects on everything he’s accomplished and experienced in his long life. From growing up in Brooklyn, serving in the Air Force during WWII, his political activism (he was a delegate at the 1968 Democratic National Convention), expert art appraiser, a publisher of fine art prints (Salvador Dali and Henry Moore were frequent collaborators), his involvement in Cuban art (he was instrumental in bringing Cuban Art to the U.S.), traveling the world, his writing (this book is his third), and his bar mitzvah (at the age of 72), Alex Rosenberg is a force to be reckoned with. And he doesn’t plan on slowing down – he still goes to work every day. With the 100th topic appropriately being the speech he gave at his 100th birthday party, Alex Rosenberg: 100 shows a life well-lived.
240 Pages / 8” X 10.375”
ISBN: 978-1-938461-86-6