A.B.C. of S.E.X

A.B.C. of S.E.X
Who can forget one’s first ABC picture book, whose pages told us A was for apple and Z was for zebra. Little did we know then how many other erotic, evocative words our alphabet could yield. In the A.B.C. of S.E.X., artist Mie Yim takes us where the old picture books would never go, to a world where J is for Juicy and X is certainly not for xylophone. Pairing Yim’s lovely pastel drawing with decidedly not-for-kids subjects, this re-imagining of the classic ABC picture book is playful, comic, and mischievous, and gives a sensual twist to the very foundation of our language. With twenty-six full-color illustrations printed on traditional children’s book paper board, Yim’s book insures that within its reader’s minds, A will never stand for apple again.